Tuesday 3 November 2009

Section 6: Character Outlines and Script

EXT. STREET. EVENING - The camera shows a generic house, the area around the house doesn’t show wealth however does not signify poverty either. Creepy music starts, slowly bilding.

INT. LIVING ROOM. EVENING - Pan shot moving from left to right showing an invitation to Adele Price & Tom Fury’s wedding.Camera snaps to an extreme close up of a man fixing his tie, deliberately the camera cuts off at the neck, not showing the face. Music continues building.

EXT. STREET. EVENING - Show of a different house than the one above, area show’s more wealth.Music slows, gets a little softer.

INT. BATHROOM. EVENING - Shot of a girl putting on a necklace, framing the exact same as the 3rd shot.Music becomes almost loving.

INT. LIVING ROOM. EVENING - Over the shoulder view of somebody holding a picture with the necklace girl, guy takes it out of the frame.Camera cuts to a close up of hands ripping up the picture. Music takes on a slightly sinister tone whilst keeping the undercurrent of loving from the previous shot. Gets more sinister as the picture gets ripped.

INT. BATHROOM. EVENING - Close up, side on the girl in the picture, wearing the necklace, putting lipstick on in front of a mirror. Again the current of love and innocence becomes dominant in the music.

INT. LIVING ROOM. EVENING - Mid shot of legs, hands pick up rope.Bird’s eye, dutch angled close up of the rope on a table.

INT. BATHROOM. EVENING - Pan shot, going from left to right, showing a mid shot of Adele.

EXT. FIELD. EVENING - Camera stays static looking at the field, in the foreground is a path, a person walks past quickly. Camera lingers on the field for a two seconds longer.

EXT. HOUSE. EVENING - Extreme close up on a door handle showing somebody wear a glove opening it.

INT. BATHROOM. EVENING - Over-the-shoulder shot of killer holding rope up, camera’s focused on this rather than the girl in the mirror, who is blurred in the background.

Character Outlines

Henry Jenkins:

Henry, 21, the bride killer, is a very troubled young man who kills brides-to-be. He grew up in a council estate with an abusive father and a depressed mother who kills herself when Henry is only 7. The father, John Jenkins, takes his wife’s death out on the son. Needless to say, the boy grows up with some issues, he starts dating a girl named Adele Price when they are both 18. Adele is the town whore who dumps Henry after he tries to change her for the better. He snaps and swears revenge. 3 years go by and Henry is working in a boring office job at Dunder Mifflin when he hears that Adele is getting married. Henry kills Adele on her wedding day and sub sequentially gets a taste for killing brides. He goes on a killing spree…

Adele Price:

Adele, 21, the first victim, is a tramp. She grew up being a lonely child and getting all the attention. She starts dating Henry Jenkins when she is 18 however they soon split as Adele can’t keep in one relationship too long. She meets an unfortuante end where she dies by the knife of Henry Jenkins.

Nick Fury:
Nick, 24 is an ex-SAS trained killer. He comes back from service doing top secret
assassinations for S.H.I.E.L.D. and decides to marry the love of his life, Adele. After Adele is murdered he must go rampage blowing as much stuff up as he can to catch his wife’s murderer. He has lost everything and nothing will stop him…


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